What is Freedom to Love?

Freedom to Love is a ministry to mentor young men, approximately age 16-23, to help them grow in the virtue of Chastity. Our goal is to provide both the spiritual foundation required to grow in virtue as well as practical tools to overcome the temptation to indulge in pornography and other sexual sin.

The program starts with a 7 week course in a small group, online or via self study. Following the 7 week course, participants are provided ongoing online mentoring and support from the ministry.

The Freedom to Love Process

Freedom to Love seeks to form young men in both the human and spiritual areas of their lives. Too often we attempt to overcome the lure of pornography through only one of these aspects of formation, making it much more difficult to find freedom from sexual temptation.

Human formation helps young men develop an emotional maturity and freedom that coupled with the ability to respond to sexual temptation provides a natural foundation for overcoming the lure of pornography use. Spiritual formation teaches us God’s purpose for our sexuality and a rich prayer and sacramental life opens young men the supernatural graces they need to conform their lives to that plan.

Freedom to Love combines the supernatural treasures of our Catholic faith along with sound human development in the natural realm.